Two months have passed since our travelers' last post, and much has happened in that time.
Bill and Jane learned through the miracle of sonogram that their grandchild is going to be a boy! Oh joy oh joy!
Bill and Jane were invited by John and Carol Schiltz to the annual corn weekend held at the Schiltz Hacienda on Minkel Road in Strykersville. About 10 RV units attended from the Strykersville camping group and a good time was had by all. It turned into corn week as our couple seemed to have trouble leaving the beautiful site but they finally made their way to the Southwoods Campground in Byron, NY.
Bill attended the Bills home openver vs. Seattle along with Greg, Brad and Jeff Almeter. Buffalo exploded for a huge win and were hitting on all cylinders. They have since jumped out to a 4-1 record and first place in the AFC East. Looks like the Super Bowl in Tampa this year will be a great place to be for Bills fans!
Bill and Jane made the trip to Syracuse to attend the NYS Fair. They were joined by Dave and Pam Hachey, Nick and Ellen,
and Jonny and his roomate Paul. The fair is still great fun but someone moved the Wine Court.
The sand and butter sculptures
The sand and butter sculptures
Toby Keith concert tickets at Darien Lakes Theme Park were a mother's and father's day gift from Greg. Toby was preceded by Montgomery Gentry. It was an awesome and raucous concert by both artists who sang their hearts out. Thanks again Greg!
Their current record is 6-4 overall and 4-2 in the SUNYAC Conference. Brad is leading the team in scoring with 14 points and 5 game winning goals. 

How far Brockport goes in the post-season will determine when Bill and Jane begin heading south.
Bill, Jane, Greg and Jonny made a road trip to Potsdam to watch Brockport Soccer and pay a visit to Grandma Dougan. It was a fun reunion and Grandma had a great home-cooked meal on Friday waiting for our travelers following the win over Potsdam State. Saturday night Bob and Lona joined the group for a fantastic dinner at the Lobster House Restaurant in Potsdam.
On Sunday the fast-fleeting weekend came to an end as everyone rushed home to watch the Bills game.
The Lefort clan gathered in Bolton, Mass. for the long-awaited wedding of Brian and Sarah. Brian is Bill's nephew. The weekend extravaganza was held at the International, a world renowned country club in a wooded setting which is rated one of the top golf venues in the world. Bill and Jane drove their RV to the Minuteman Campground in Littleton, Mass. which is a short drive from Bolton. Greg, Jonny and Jeff Almeter joined them in Littleton which was home base for the weekend. Sarah was a beautiful bride and comes from a wonderful family.
The reception was very elegant and posh and made Bill & Jane thankful for having four boys. The weekend was topped off with a Sunday brunch at the International before everyone said their goodbyes and headed back to the real world.
Instead of heading west Bill and Jane drove north to their first Tiffin Rally held at the Cold Springs Campground in Weare, New Hampshire. There were 75 other Tiffin Units in the campground for the weeklong festivities. The week started off with seminars for Tiffin owners to learn more about their units. A team of technicians drove there from Red Bay, Alabama to perform repairs on any rigs that needed them - for free! Bill and Jane had a reunion with Ron and Lilly from Chicago
Bean bag baseball, blindfold wagon racing and toilet seat horseshoes were a few of the games contested at the rally. (Bill won toilet seat horseshoes) A professional linedance instructor from Canada taught the rallyers many new dance steps. The dinners prepared by caterers were delicious and the highlight of the week was a lunch cruise on Lake Winnipusaukee aboard the Mt. Washington, a luxury triple decker cruising vessel. 
The fall foliage viewed from the water was incredible.
There was musical entertainment
every evening in the dining hall and our tired campers slept well at the end of every busy day. Finally the week came to an end and the Garmin (GPS Unit) took our travelers through the Green Hills of Vermont, a breathtaking route highlighting the fall colors at their peak.
Summer and autumn have flown by and Bill and Jane are making plans to visit Memphis, Tennessee in November on their way to Florida. Until we post again, go Buffalo Bills 
and go Brockport Golden Eagles!