A day trip from Memphis to Little Rock was on the agenda and quite a day it was. Little Rock is about two and half hours west of Memphis on I-40. The Mighty Mississippi divides Tennesee and Arkansas and is a sight to see as you cross over the massive bridge spanning the winding river. 
Eastern Arkansas is flat as a pancake and covered with cotton and rice fields as well as buckwheat and other grains. Little Rock is the capital city and is very much a southern flavored town. Bill and Jane spent the first part of the day trip in the
MacArthur Museum of Military History which was erected in the former Little Rock Arsenal where Douglas MacArthur was born.
The museum highlights the military history of the State of Arkansas from Indian skirmishes through the Civil War up to the World Wars, Korea 
Our travelers ate dinner at the Whole Hog Cafe,
a famous rib joint where Bill and Hillary often ate during their stay in Little Rock. The visit ended with a stop at the William Jefferson Clinton Presidential Museum and Library located on the east end of town.
It is huge complex but was closing so Bill and Jane couldn't go inside. What a disappointment!

The Phaeton headed south and east through NE Mississippi and into western Alabama for another visit to Red Bay. Bill and Jane had made an appointment at the Tiffin Service Facility to have the front cap painted under warranty and to install Diamond Shield to protect the finish. After a couple of days of other minor service work, they left the Bus in the hands of the Tiffin family and drove their car to Buffalo to celebrate Thanksgiving.
The Phaeton headed south and east through NE Mississippi and into western Alabama for another visit to Red Bay. Bill and Jane had made an appointment at the Tiffin Service Facility to have the front cap painted under warranty and to install Diamond Shield to protect the finish. After a couple of days of other minor service work, they left the Bus in the hands of the Tiffin family and drove their car to Buffalo to celebrate Thanksgiving.
The Strykersville Fire Hall was the setting for Thanksgiving as the Lefort clan gathered. As usual the Lefort women prepared way too much food but everyone feasted on the delights at the table. The Yankee swap was again transacted and brought gift giving to a new low. Santa Claus made a surprise visit to the delight of the six great-grandchildren present. 
That night everyone in Bill and Jane's family gathered at Greg's house in Buffalo for gift exchange and some leftovers. The next day was the Mexican Fiesta at Joanne and Rich's house in Lancaster. Mexican food and margaritas preceded a baby shower for Nick and Ellen where gifts for the newest Lefort were opened. 
Other highlights included the Lefort Guess Your Weight Game, three card lou win Ben Shur's money, and Texas Hold'em for the real gamblers.
Following goodbyes in WNY, Bill and Jane departed for the South, winding through Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee and back into Alabama. The Allegro Campground was their home base for two days as the front end was painted and buffed. Diamond Shield was installed by an immigrant from the Ukraine
who definitely prefers capitalism over communism. Then the trip continued onto Dothan, Alabama which is in the southeast corner of the state.
Bill and Jane were greeted by beautiful sunny skies and many old friends. One of their first experiences was viewing the Christmas Parade in downtown Zephyrhills with their neighbors, Dick and Judy Hagle. 

Christmas 2008 was celebrated in Zephyrhills, Florida without any snow or ice or bone-chilling cold. Greg, Jon and Brad were scheduled to fly from Rochester to Atlanta to Tampa but old man winter just couldn't let them go. A winter storm delayed and almost cancelled their departure but finally they got off the ground, only to miss a connection in Atlanta. Fortunately, Greg had an RIT buddy there who put them up for the night and gave them a quick tour of downtown. The next day they touched down in Tampa International Airport and WARM WEATHER! The first stop was the Tampa Bay Brewing Company in Ybor City for a great meal and great micro-brews. 
The next day the sun worship began in between shuffleboard tournaments and last minute Christmas shopping. It was interesting to see food and desserts approaching the Lefort campsite from many directions as the Forest Lake residents marveled at how five people could survive inside the Phaeton all at once.
You can't visit Central Florida without a trip to Busch Gardens. The boys loved the park in spite of the large crowd. Zooming rollercoasters, free beer and entertainment, 
wild African animals in their natural settings and a three-point shootout were all part of the day. Bolingo the baby gorilla made his usual appearance, Bengal tigers roared, 
and a galloping underwater hippo gave water aerobics a new meaning.
Bill, Greg and Jonny got up real early one morning and drove to Tarpon Springs for a day of deep sea fishing. The Two Georges, an 85 foot Greek fishing boat, was full of eager fishermen as it headed out the Anclote River from Tarpon Springs and into the massive Gulf of Mexico. After chugging west for one and half hours the engines finally cut and the fishing began. Jonny caught the first fish (and the second one, and the third one)
but eventually all three Lefort fishermen got lucky and were hauling in a variety of catches.
Bill, Greg and Jonny got up real early one morning and drove to Tarpon Springs for a day of deep sea fishing. The Two Georges, an 85 foot Greek fishing boat, was full of eager fishermen as it headed out the Anclote River from Tarpon Springs and into the massive Gulf of Mexico. After chugging west for one and half hours the engines finally cut and the fishing began. Jonny caught the first fish (and the second one, and the third one)
Bill caught a red grouper that was 19 inches long and almost cried as he learned the minimum was 22 inces.
The boys saw an octopus captured as it apparently grabbed onto the sinker of a fishing line with its' beak and was hauled onboard along with a grunt fish that had swallowed the fish hook. A total of three octopi were landed that day by people on the boat - calamari heaven! The Leforts caught about thirty fish that were keepers and came back to port with supper on their minds. After the fish were fileted
and packed in ice, back to Zephyrhills they went. The fish were cooked in aluminum foil over a charcoal fire
with butter, onions, garlic salt, seasoning and salt and pepper - it was the best fish they ever had!
The Christmas Vacation Week went by quickly but included a trip to Webster for the areas biggest flea market and also a sojourn to Wesley Chapel for Los Vallerto's, their favorite Mexican restaurant.
The swimming pool
and hot tub were favorite spots to soak up the sun and get a tan. Ribs over the coals Memphis style were featured for one home-cooked meal and New York Strip Steaks for another. An evening of Rock Band outside the Bus let the residents of Forest Lakes know where the boys were staying.
The week was capped off with an all-Lefort shuffle tournament where Jon was crowned king.
Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end and Greg and Jon had to return to their jobs in the real world. Once again they missed their connection in Atlanta and got to spend an extra night there. Brad got an extra week in Florida before he had to go back to the snow.
Brad turned 21 on December 30 and his birthday was filled with adventure. The first stop was the Grille Taproom in Lakeland where Brad was served his first drink following the official checking of his ID.
Bill, Jane and Brad then watched "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" on the big screen at the Lakeland Mall. The trio then went out to dinner at Anubelos Restaurant, an authentic Mexican Restaurant on the high class side. The evening ended at Molly McCue's Tavern which is an Irish Pub in downtown Lakeland (This time Brad wasn't even proofed).
New Years Eve was started off at Smokey Bones on Rt. 98 in Lakeland. Then the adventure went back to Molly McCue's where the street was shut down to traffic and a five piece blues band performed for the revelers as they partied in the New Year. The Christmas decorations in downtown Lakeland were just beautiful.
New Years Eve was started off at Smokey Bones on Rt. 98 in Lakeland. Then the adventure went back to Molly McCue's where the street was shut down to traffic and a five piece blues band performed for the revelers as they partied in the New Year. The Christmas decorations in downtown Lakeland were just beautiful.
Bill has been playing softball with a group of wackos on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Brad was invited to participate and impressed the veterans with his long ball hitting ability. Usually about 40 guys show up at the softball fields and two games are played under slightly different rules - the entire side bats every inning, no walks or strikeouts, no tagouts, you can overrun the bases, and you can have pinch runners. The game is designed to have fun and cut down on injuries. It has worked pretty well for Bill so far - he only has muscle pulls in both legs, a sore left elbow, a strained left knee and a real sore back. Thank God for hot tubs. Bill was invited to play on a select team on Fridays that travels to Plant City for league play. They play on five diamonds that were built and utilized by the Cincinnati Reds when they had spring training in Plant City. The fields are absolutely fabulous, like walking on sponges. So far Zephyrhills is 1-1.
At the end of his second week in Florida Brad also had to make the journey back to Upstate New York. It was a sad departure from Tampa International Airport but at least went off on time and no connections were missed. Back to the cold and snow but there's always next year....
Jane and Bill volunteered for Meals on Wheels in Zephyrhills. Often the only social contact the clients get on a daily is from Meals on Wheels. It is very rewarding and makes you appreciate the importance of family and friends in your life.
Jane and Bill received SU basketball tickets from Jon and Brad for Christmas for the game against the South Florida Bulls in Tampa. 
The games was a lot closer than most experts predicted as the Bulls hung in with extra hustle and excellent passing. The stands actually had more Orange fans than USF fans as the students were still on break. SU prevailed in the end due to good free-throw shooting and ball handling.
Bill and Jane volunteered to work at the Florida RV Show held at the Florida State Fairgrounds in Tampa at a booth for Forest Lake Estates. The RV show is one of the largest in the country with everything from pop-ups to Prevost Buses selling for $2 million. The two day commitment was topped off with a shrimp and prime rib banquet which was excellent. Door prizes included $50 and $100 bills, gift certificates, and nice T-shirts. Bill won a bag of carmel corn.
That's all for now. Bill and Jane will be driving their car back to New York for the birth of their grandson in February. Until then, happy travels to all!
So much fun! Thanks for sharing your trip. Excellent Key West photos!
By the way, where did you get the great old photo of Harry Truman's Little White House? I love the historic photos.
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